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Frequently Asked Questions

How much are your piercings?

Piercing SERVICE FEES are typically $40-$90 PER PIERCING MADE, and this does NOT include the cost of jewelry.

How much is your jewelry?


Jewelry cost completely depends on the piece in question! It usually starts around $20-$30 for BASIC non-gem pieces and increases substantially from there depending on materials, size, etc.

Think about walking into a fine jewelry store in the mall, that's us but with Body Jewelry! 

Gold and diamonds are always going to cost more than titanium and cubic zirconia.

For that reason, ALL jewelry pricing is done IN PERSON here at the studio!

What about if I bring my own jewelry?

Unfortunately, we can't allow that. We only use THEE best quality body jewelry in the world, which means it is also the SAFEST. We also custom fit your jewelry to your unique body so it's never a 'one-size-fits-all' scenario.


We're happy to work with you and monitor your piercings' healing and inform you when they're healed enough to change to heirloom earrings. 

Can you email me pictures of what's available?

While we could, it would be awfully hard and very time consuming. We have over 2,000 pieces of jewelry in stock and if we send each person who called or emailed photos and pricing, we would never have time to actually pierce!


Instead, we would much prefer you stop by in person and get the full experience of what we can offer you!


When we think about what a piercing is, a new sterile needle passing through a body part, we know it will be a little uncomfortable. 
Pain is subjective, and everyone reacts differently!

What is painless for you may be a little worse for a friend or family member.

While we can't promise a completely pain free piercing, we CAN promise that we will use the best jewelry on planet earth, brand new needles for every single piercing, and the latest and greatest techniques to make you as absolutely comfortable and bring you an experience that's sure to exceed your expectations.

How can I prepare to get my piercing?

       Great question!


  • Eat a well balanced, nutritional breakfast!

  • Stay hydrated! 

  • Bring a snack!

  • Bring a friend!

  • Make any necessary lifestyle adjustments! We will need to abstain from certain activities, and devote out time to healing every day.

  • Remember that everyone gets nervous sometimes, and you aren't the first or the last person. Don't hold it in, feel free to talk to us about any and all concerns!


What about after my piercing?


Aftercare is important!

We will go over it with you in person ALWAYS, and give you a written reminder.

You can also view a refresher by clicking the link below!

Do you pierce infants/children/minors?


We believe that getting piercing is a sacred act and a choice that every child should be able to make for themselves.

Piercing anyone without their verbal consent, is strictly against our policies and frankly, our ethics.

For this reason, children must be a minimum of FIVE YEARS OLD to be pierced at our studio.

We leave the decision up to the individual piercer, and management, as to whether or not they feel the Childs maturity level is adequate enough.

This is our PASSION and our favorite thing to do, please do not yell, demean, or persuade us into piercing your child if we've said no.

We will be absolutely ECSTATIC to pierce them in the future when we feel like its a safe environment for everyone involved.


FLORIDA STATE LAW has very strict requirements to receive a piercing as a minor ( anyone under 18 years of age)

We will need the following - no exceptions:

  1. Notarized Florida State Minor Piercing Consent form

  2. Photographic ID for the minor AND the legal guardian. For the minor under 16 without a state issued drivers license, this can mean a state issued picture ID, or a passport. we can also accept a combination of BIRTH CERTIFICATE with separate photo ID such as school ID.

  3. A consultation must be made with the piercer and minor in question with at least 24 hours before the piercing is performed for anyone 12 and UNDER. That means no walk in and get pierced, but instead, walk in to have a consultation, get acquainted with our trained Staff, and tour our facilities. Then, at least 24 hours later, we would be happy to pierce you or your child!

Will it cure my (Migraines/weight loss/anxiety/chronic pain)?

If you or a friend has had a piercing that's helped them with a medical condition, we're very happy to hear that!

Unfortunately, since there is zero medical evidence to prove any piercing has ANY effect on any ailments, we don't like to make those claims.

We prefer to leave the real work to the Doctors, while we stick to what we know best; making you fancier!

If you are looking for medical relief, maybe reconsider your desire to get pierced.

If you are looking to have a stylish, safely done piercing, we are here for you!

I think my piercing is infected. What do I do?


While we PRIDE ourselves in maintaining an excellent and clean technique, we are NOT doctors and CAN NOT under any circumstances offer any medical advice!

If you feel your health is in jeopardy, please do not wait; Go see a qualified professional today.

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